
KTSP Bahasa Indonesia SD Kelas 3A

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Continue reading... My research most in the interaction humankind-computer, especially to the HCI side software (software user interface). For a few years now, I have been interested in the multi-platform user interfaces, that Is, interfaces that are designed to work ounce multiple devices (phones, laptops, web, desktops, etc. ). During several years now, I was interested in the multi-platform antarmuka the user, that, antarmuka that was drafted to work to some equipment (telephoned, laptop, web, desktop, etc.). A recent emphasis of my research Is ounce Personal Information Management. Recently I the emphasis in this research was Personal Information Management. A secondary theme (boots no less important) to my work Is in the area of educational uses of A secondary theme (but was not more unimportant) for me was to work in the educational field penggunaan computers. the computer.
Posted on Sunday, November 02, 2008 by Monsterad Paramoly and filed under , | 0 Comments »