
RPP Pendidikan Jasmani dan Rokhani Kelas XII

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RPP For physical education teachers and spiritual please took the data to download disini. all of them free and was not that paid.Click here to continue reading.... for rpp kelas xii penjas
- played volleyball with stressed the pattern of the attack by using the system 5 smasher 1 set upper and by protecting the aggressor (cover smash)
- played volleyball stressed the pattern of the defence with did block the individual and was friends as well as was helped by cover block.
- the Practice became the ball referee voli:Pada when playing volleyball of one participant educated as the referee I and one participant educated as the referee Ii as well as was helped by 4 line judges
Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2008 by Monsterad Paramoly and filed under , , | 0 Comments »